




Consider the following:
a) In the context of project....................................,
the Parties exchange Confidential Information regarding mutual products and services
b) Parties can both receive and share Confidential Information
c) In this agreement, we establish the conditions under which the Confidential Information is shred and received

declare the following

The parties share the Confidential Information (and if applicable, the associated annexes) after mutual signature of this agreement.
The Confidential Information will not be shared with anyone, unless one of the Parties has given written permission
The Confidence Information may be shared with a few employees for the sole purpose of/in order to..........
The Parties are responsible for their employees. They take the necessary measures to ensure the Confidential Information remains confidential and that the involved respect the arrangement of this agreement.
However, the confidentialy does not end there. The parts and the associated know-how of the Confidential Information, which is not covered by intellectual property, is and remains secret.

The confidential Information need not remain secret if receiving party can prove that (a part of the Confidential Information

  1. Was already known before the information was shared;
  2. Was universally known at the time the information was shared;
  3. Was shared publicly by a third party, thus making the information general knowledge;
  4. Was universally known information due to the legal obligation for disclosure;
  5. Was known by them because the sharing party gave the permission to disclose this information
Does a circumstance as referred to in the previous article under
(A) occurs? Be sure to inform the providing party in written within 5 working days. Specify, if necessary, prove in a {digital) envelop. This is of course done in a confidential matter.
Does something happen which was describe in the previous article under (B), (C) or (D)? Inform the providing party within 10 working days. They do this by writing. The source is also shared with issuer.
All confidential information disclosed is and remainds the property of the providing party. Does this party wish to recover and/or destroy the information? Then, this is performed by the receing party. Needles to say that all copies and notes are handed over as well.
Is the Confidential Information disclosed by the receiving party? Pull out your wallet! The receiving party is given a fine of ........ for each infringement. This is an immediately payable penalty. Still in violation? This penalty will increase with ............ per day. The providing party may ask for a compensation for the actually loss an damage as well.
Some parties may not withdraw, change, or destroy this agreement. The obligation to keep secret shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement
If e need a judge, disputes will be submitted to the court having jurisdiction in the district in which <party of b> has its registered office or the court having jurisdiction by law, at the choice of <party a>.






